Default Category-Retention Bandages-Stayform

Retention dressings are an essential component of wound care. They are designed to keep wound dressings securely in place without causing compression or constriction, which can lead to discomfort for the patient. Retention dressings are often made from soft and flexible materials that conform to the contours of the body, ensuring a secure fit that won't shift or slip over time.

These dressings are particularly useful for wounds that require frequent dressing changes, as they can help to reduce the need for additional bandages or tape. Retention dressings can also help to promote healing by keeping the wound moist and free from external contaminants. Overall, retention dressings are a crucial tool for healthcare providers seeking to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients, while also maintaining high standards of comfort and care.

Stayform bandage firmly holds the dressing in place without restricting circulation or movement of any body part. It is a lightweight polyamide and cellulose contour bandage that is ideal to apply for awkward areas. This thin bandage is comfortable to use. With the non-fraying edges, the Stayform bandage reduces the risk of fibre lifting and gives a neat and clean appearance. This bandage is gentle on the skin and does not cause any skin irritation. Stayform bandage is available in multiple sizes.