Opsite Flexigrid Dressings
Opsite® Flexigrid Dressings is a waterproof transparent acrylic adhesive film with a wound measurement grid.The dressing conforms to body contoours for ease of application to awkward areas and its transparency aids accurate placement over the wound.Opsite® Flexigrid is vapour permeable, allowing excess exudate to evaporate. The dressing can be left in place for up to 7 days.
Treatment of scalds, first- or second-degree burns, donor sites, postoperative wounds, minor injuries (including abrasions and lacerations), and for the prevention and treatment of superficial pressure areas. Larger sizes of the dressing without the flexible carrier are marketed as incise drapes.
Although there are no absolute contra-indications to the use of Opsite, it is not recommended that the material be applied over deep cavity wounds or third degree burns.