Mepitel Film Dressings
Mepitel Film provides a flexible, breathable, transparent covering to protect the skin or wound from microbial contamination and fluid strike through whilst maintaing a moist enviroment. It conforms well to body contours
Mepitel Film Dressings is indicated to be used for the following:
- The treatment of superficial
- Skin injuries
- Pressure ulcers category 1 and 2
- Burns
- Skin protection for fragile and sensitive skin
- Protective covering for open surgical wounds
- Fixation of primary dressings
- Protective Landing Zone to fixate tapes without damaging healthy tissue
- In combination with gels and ointments
- Mepitel Film Dressing is not a wound contact layer product and does not allow wound exudate to pass through the dressing to a secondary layer.
- If more than one product is used and they are overlapped, the vapour permeability goes down, this can lead to that excess moisture can not pass away from the skin.
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