Dressings-PressureOffloading-Kerraped Boot

Pressure offloading dressings serve an essential role in wound care by helping to alleviate the harmful effects of pressure on damaged or vulnerable skin. They work by either removing pressure completely, reducing it, or redistributing it to healthier areas of skin. These dressings are often used in the management of pressure ulcers and can be applied to areas that are prone to pressure damage from medical devices. By preventing further harm to the skin, pressure offloading dressings help promote healing and reduce the risk of complications. It is important to choose the appropriate type of pressure offloading dressing for your needs, as the effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the type and severity of the wound. Overall, pressure offloading dressings play a crucial role in protecting and healing the skin, and are an essential component of a comprehensive wound care plan.
Kerraped allows patients with bulky bandaging and dressings to mobilise safetly.