Dermatix Silicone Gel

Dermatix® is available in as a Silicone gel and as Silicone sheets  ( Clear or Fabric backed ). Dermatix® helps to prevent scars and is clinically proven to soften, flatten and smooth scars, relieving the itching,pain and discomfort associated with them.Dermatix Gel is quick drying,convenient and easy to use. The Dermatix Clear Gel sheet does not require adhesive aids or netting to keep it in place. The Dermatix Fabric Gel sheet is lined on one side with silicone which sticks to the skn and the other side is lined with silky-smooth fabric which makes it comfortable to use under clothing.

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Dermatix Silicone Gel 15g


  • Dermatix should not be applied to open or fresh wound
  • Dermatix should not be placed in contact with mucous membranes or applied too close to the eyes
  • Dermatix should not be applied over antibiotic skin preparations or other skin treatments and/or products.
  • Dermatix should be applied to clean, dry skin only. 
  • Store below 25°C
  • Keep gel away from the heat
  • Keep out of reach of children.
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