It is difficult to find the balance of the body when you have hurt your foot. Usually, the thick dressings or casts are not able to let you put your foot on the ground comfortably. But Kerraped boots help you find that balance and comfort for your body and help in quick and easy recovery.
What are Kerraped Boots?
Our body is made such that it divides the weight equally and makes a balance on both our legs that we stand on. However, when even one of the feet or legs are hurt it becomes difficult for a person to make a balance while standing, ending up with putting more pressure on the affected leg. These boots are therapeutic, off-loading footwear which reduces up to 30% of the pressure on your foot leaving you able to walk normally.
Who Needs These?
The Kerraped boots fill in for the vulnerable foot of the patients suffering from lymphedema, have neuropathic foot ulcers or the ones with bulky bandages on the foot who cannot wear their regular footwear.
How Comfortable And Beneficial Is It For You?
The Kerraped boots are designed in a way that they provide maximum comfort to your foot. These shoes can be worn on either of the foot as a replacement for your regular footwear. The boot has many benefits aside from being a comfortable and light footwear which allows you to reduce pressure on an injured or bandaged foot.
Keepsdressings dry
Breathable upper with a black EVA insole
Velcro straps allow for adjustability for a comfortable and secure fit
Reduces plantar pressure by up to 30%and does not need to be customised to achieve results
Will off-load pressure whilst allowing you to walk normally
Can be wipedclean
Available in a variety of sizes to accommodate bulky dressings, bandages and swelling (refer to size guide)
Easy to put on and take off
Kerraped comes as a single shoe and can be worn on either foot.
Ensure maximum comfort for your injured or affected foot with WoundCares best quality Kerraped boots which are highly comfortable and assist you through your injury.