Wound healing; is a critical process to ensure the skin has protection from outside germs. The skin is a vital and yet a very vulnerable organ of our body. Often due to injuries and wounds, the injured part of the skin loses its ability to protect the body from infections and other germs. So, wound healing is central to healing the injured skin. Iodosorb powder is a beneficial component that has been widely used for wound healing and treatment. In this article, we shall learn how to use iodosorb powder properly for wound healing.

What is Iodosorb Powder?

Iodosorb Powder, can be described as a sterile formation that consists of acute cadexomer iodine. Applying iodosorb powder to a wound will help clean the wound properly by absorbing all the fluids while removing the debris and pus that forms around the wound. Iodosrb powder creates a moisture-filled gel around the surface of the wound. With the swelling and spreading of the powder, iodine assists in killing micro-organisms that reside around the wound.

How to Use Iodosorb Powder?

To ensure that the powder can work effectively on the wound, you must know how to use Iodosorb powder properly. Mentioned below are some steps to follow to ensure the desired effect.

  • First of all, you need to clean the wound as well as the area surrounding the wound properly. Use sterile water or saline water for cleaning. The excess fluid from the wound has to be removed and the surface left moist.
  • Next, you need to apply the Iodosorb powder to the wound surface. The layer of powder should have a thickness of 3mm. Cover the wound with gauze. For good results, use a second dressing as well.
  • To ensure there is no risk of cross-contamination, it is essential to use a single packet of Iodosorb Powder for just one patient.