Default Category-Absorbant-Xupad

The key role of an absorbant dressing is to absorb and retain exudate. Most absorbant dressings consist of an absorbant material that may have an adhesive border.Absorbant dressings with an adhesive border are ideal for use as a protective dressings and for lightly exuding wounds. Many also have a waterproof covering.The more thicker absorbant dressings are suitable for use on chronic, heavily exuding wounds.Use of creams and ointments may interfere with the absorbancy ability of these dressing.

Xupad is an ultra-absorbent dressing, a latex-free multilayer pad designed to effectively absorb exudate and protect the wound. The gentle contact layer is non-absorbent and low adherent that allows the fluid to pass freely into the dressing without adherence to the wound site. It is ideal for use on light to moderate exuding wounds.It can be used both as a primary and secondary dressing .Available in different sizes.